Monday, February 10, 2020

Download Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook 7th Edition - Robert H. Perry, Don W. Green pdf

Title              : Perry's Chemical Engineer's Handbook
Edition         : 7th Edition
Author         : Robert H. Perry, Don W. Green
ISBN            : 0-07-049841-5
Category      : Handbook
Publisher     : McGraw-Hil


    Merupakan buku yang memiliki julukan "Kitab Chemical Engineering" karena isinya yang mencangkup semua aspek teknik kimia, walaupun tidak dijelaskan secara secara sangat detail seperti buku teknik kimia yang spesifik per aspeknya. 


  • Conversion Factors
  • Physical and Chemical Data
  • Mathematics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Fluid and Particle Mechanics
  • Reaction Kinetics
  • Process Control and Instrumentation
  • Process Economics
  • Transport and Storage of Fluids
  • Heat Transfer Operations and Equipment
  • Drying, Humidification and Evaporative Cooling
  • Distillation
  • Gas Absorption and Other Gas-Liquid Operations and Equipment
  • Solid-State Operations and Equipment
  • Size Reduction and Size Enlargement
  • Handling of Bulk Solids and Packaging of Solids and Liquids
  • Alternative Separation Processes
  • Chemical Reactors
  • Biochemcial Engineering
  • Waste Management
  • Safety and Handling of Hazardous Materials
  • Energy Sources, Conversion and Utilization
  • Materials of Construction
  • Process Machinery Drives
  • Analysis of Plant Performance

Tabel Download:

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E-Book Tx & Sc-C English PDF Download

Tx             : Teks
Sc-C         : Scan Berwarna
Sc-BW     : Scan Hitam Putih

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