Monday, February 24, 2020

Download Chemical Reaction Engineering 3rd Edition - Octave Levenspiel pdf


Title              : Chemical Reaction Engineering
Edition         : 3rd Edition
Author         : Octave Levenspiel
ISBN             : 978-0471254249
MHID           : 0-471-25424-x
Category      : Phenomena Reaction
Publisher     : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


        Buku ini menjelaskan tentang fenomena apa saja yang terjadi pada saat suatu reaksi kimia tersebut berlangsung di sebuah reaktor, seperti reaksi kimia yang terjadi pada reaktor ideal maupun tak ideal, penambahan katalis maupun tanpa penambahan katalis, dan juga reaksi yang melibatkan reaksi biokimia.

Front Matter
Interactive Graphs
Chapter 1 Overview of Chemical Reaction Engineering
Part I. Homogeneous Reactions in Ideal Reactors
Chapter 2 Kinetics of Homogeneous Reactions
Chapter 3 Interpretation of Batch Reactor Data
Chapter 4 Introduction to Reactor Design
Chapter 5 Ideal Reactors for a Single Reaction
Chapter 6 Design for Single Reactions
Chapter 7 Design for Parallel Reactions
Chapter 8 Potpourri of Multiple Reactions
Chapter 9 Temperature and Pressure Effects
Chapter 10 Choosing the Right Kind of Reactor
Part II. Flow Pattern, Contacting, and Non-Ideal Flow
Chapter 11 Basics of Non-Ideal Flow
Chapter 12 Compartment Models
Chapter 13 The Dispersion Model
Chapter 14 The Tanks-in-Series Model
Chapter 15 The Convection Model for Laminar Flow
Chapter 16 Earliness of Mixing, Segregation, and RTD
Part III. Reactions Catalyzed by Solids
Chapter 17 Heterogeneous Reactions - Introduction
Chapter 18 Solid Catalyzed Reactions
Chapter 19 The Packed Bed Catalytic Reactor
Chapter 20 Reactors with Suspended Solid Catalyst, Fluidized Reactors of Various Types
Chapter 21 Deactivating Catalysts
Chapter 22 G/L Reactions on Solid Catalysts: Trickle Beds, Slurry Reactors, and Three-Phase Fluidized Beds
Part IV. Non-Catalytic Systems
Chapter 23 Fluid-Fluid Reactions: Kinetics
Chapter 24 Fluid-Fluid Reactors: Design
Chapter 25 Fluid-Particle Reactions: Kinetics
Chapter 26 Fluid-Particle Reactors: Design
Part V. Biochemical Reaction Systems
Chapter 27 Enzyme Fermentation
Chapter 28 Microbial Fermentation - Introduction and Overall Picture
Chapter 29 Substrate-Limiting Microbial Fermentation
Chapter 30 Product-Limiting Microbial Fermentation
Appendix - Miscellany
Name Index
Subject Index

Tabel Download:

Type Quality Language Format Download Link
E-Book Tx & Sc-C English PDF Download
Solution Manual Ver.1 Tx & Sc-C English PDF Download
Solution Manual Ver.2 Tx & Sc-C English PDF Download

Tx             : Teks
Sc-C         : Scan Berwarna
Sc-BW     : Scan Hitam Putih

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