Monday, March 2, 2020

Download Chemical Processing Handbook - John J. McKetta pdf

Title              : Chemical Processing Handbook
Author         : John J. McKetta
ISBN            : 0-8247-8701-3
MHID          : 978-0824787011
Category      : Handbook
Publisher     : Marcel Dekker, Inc.


        Buku handbook ini merupakan buku yang cocok sebagai acuan dalam pra-rancangan pabrik kimia. Semua proses dan langkah-langkahnya telah diuji coba dan diaplikasikan oleh para engineer handal. Biasanya dalam pra-rancangan pabrik kimia, buku ini sering dikaitkan dengan paten sesuai pabrik yang sedang dirancang.

  • Chemicals from Natural Gas - Duffer B. Crawford, Charles A. Durr, James A. Finneran, and William Turner
  • Chemicals from Petroleum - J. L. James and D. Shore 
  • Gas Processing Edited by John J. McKetta
  • Alkylation - G. Stefanidakis and J. E. Gwyn
  • Amination - Lewis F. Hatch
  • Bromination and Bromine Compounds - David W. Bunch and Kestutis A. Keblys
  • Catalysis and Catalysts - A. G. Oblad, S. K. Goyal, R. Ramakrishnan, and S. Sunder
  • Precious Metals Catalysis - Robert J. Farrauto and Ronald M. Heck
  • Chlorination, Liquid Phase and Vapor Phase - Roberto Lee and Alice O. Lee
  • Chlorinated Solvents - J. I. Jordan, Jr.
  • Chloroethanes - J. I. Jordan, Jr.
  • Chlorohydrins - C. E. Rowe
  • EC.h lMo.r oDmeeFtohraesntes
  • Chlorobenzene and Dichlorobenzene - B. E. Kurtz and E. W. Smalley
  • Chlorolysis, Carbon Tetrachloride from Hydrocarbon Waste - D. Rebhan
  • Clathrates and Other Inclusion Compounds - Everett J. Fuller
  • Dehydrogenation - Hervey H. Voge
  • Deionization - W. F. McIlhenny
  • Electrochemical Engineering: Theory - Francis M. Donahue
  • Electrochemical Process Design and Operation - Ronald L. Dotson
  • Enzyme Processing - K. Venkatasubramanian and W. R. Vieth
  • Esterification - Robert M. Simons
  • Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis - Bernd Büssemeier, Carl Dieter Frohning and Boy Cornils
  • Hydrogenation Catalysts - J. P. Boitiaux, J. L. Cosyns, M. L. Derrien, and G. Leger
  • Isomerization - R. E. Conser, T. Wheeler, and F. G. McWilliams
  • Laser-Assisted Chemical Processing - Henry A. McGee, Jr.
  • Nitration - Ernest O. Ohsol
  • Olefin Processes - Yee Chien Hu
  • Oxidation of Aromatics - Ernest O. Ohsol
  • Oxidation of Hydrocarbons - Charles C. Hobbs and Michael B. Lakin
  • Petroleum Processing - Harold L. Hoffman and John J. McKetta
  • Polymerization - Lyle F. Albright
  • Polymerization, Emulsion - Louis R. Roberts
  • Polysilicon Processes, Economics - Carl L. Yaws and Jack R. Hopper

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Tx             : Teks
Sc-C         : Scan Berwarna
Sc-BW     : Scan Hitam Putih

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